Students are the Center of Our Universe!

Mobile Office Number

Call:  (337) 351-5423

Working Hours

Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM

Who We Are

At “The Omega Education Project” (OEP), students are at the center of our universe-they are our primary focus and the reason for our existence. We know the importance of relationships to impact students, especially students who, through life experiences, struggle with trust and don’t always receive the love and nurturing needed to survive and be successful. We are aware of the knowledge, exposure, and passion required to grow students into becoming productive humans, and we aim to provide this experience through courageous conversations and unique exposure to experiences that unlock a new world of adventure for each student. 


We aim to strengthen students’ lives and the village surrounding them, promoting student stability, convergence, and improved well-being.


We envision motivating students, empowering teachers, educating parents, and challenging the community to create a positive education experience for all stakeholders.

Upcoming Event

Mobile Office Number

Call:  (337) 351-5423

Working Hours

Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM